The following list contains useful keyboard shortcuts and quick accesses that have supported me in my daily work for years. They are supplemented by important functions like unpacking archives or determining process IDs (Linux).
Command | Description |
netplwiz | Disable password prompt |
cls | Clear shell history |
mstsc | Start remote descktop connection manager |
msconfig | System configuration |
appwiz.cpl | Installed programs |
compmgmt.msc | Computer management |
winword | Open MS Word |
excel | Open MS Excel |
=Lorem() | Generate a Lorem Ipsum paragraph (Submit with Return key) |
regedit | Open windows registry |
control.exe | System management |
[Windows] + [R] -> shell:startup | Open autostart folder of the current user |
systeminfo | more | Show full info of your OS in the cmd |
[Windows] + [D] | Show current desktop |
[Windows] + [E] | Open explorer instance |
[Windows] + [Tab] | Switch between opened applications + desktops |
[Alt] + [Tab] | Switch between opened applications |
[Alt] + [F4] | Kill current process / shutdown OS |
[Strg] + [Shift] + [Esc] | Open task manager |
shell:startup | Open autostart folder |
type fileName | Show file content |
type NUL > index.txt | Create empty file |
Command | Description |
passwd | Change password of current user |
clear | Empty shell history |
sudo nano /etc/hostname | Change hostname of local PC |
raspistill -o image.jpg | Start camera and take picture |
sudo raspi-config | Configure system |
uname -a | Show current OS version |
cat /etc/os-release | Show current OS settings |
readlink -f $(which java) | Print current JDK installation path |
unzip -d destinationFolder | Unzip archive |
ps ax | grep nameOfTask | Show process ID of named process |
kill [pid] | Kill process with given process ID |
sudo nano /etc/rc.local | Call apps on autostart (cli mode) |
mv fileNameOld fileNameNew | Rename file |
sudo fdisk -l | Show all drives and removable medias |
sudo mkdir /mnt/usb sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb | Create folder which a drive will be mapped to. Mount drive sdb1 into the new folder |
sudo hwclock -r | Get time from RTC module |
sudo i2cdetect -y 1 | Detect, if there's an external module on the I2C bus |
apt-get remove packageName | Removes a package from system (apt-get) |
dpkg packageName --purge | Removes outdated config files |
dpkg -r packageName | Removes a package from system (dpkg) |
apt-get autoremove | Removes unused packages from system |
rm -rf /path/to/folder | Removes a folder recursively |
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' | Removes all windows-style line endings (CRLF) from a file |
Browser (Firefox, Chrome, IExplorer)
Command | Description |
[Strg] + [W] | Close tab |
[Strg] + [T] | Open tab |
F5 | Refresh page |
[Shift] + F5 | Empty cache + refresh page (Chrome) |
[Strg] + F5 | Empty cache + refresh page (Firefox) |
F6 | Go to address bar |
F11 | Toggle Fullscreen mode |
F12 | Toggle developer mode |